2nd Cycle (2028 RFP)

At its June 27, 2023 meeting, the San Antonio Regional Flood Planning Group (Region 12) designated the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) as the administrator for the Second Cycle of Regional Flood Planning. 

Kendall Hayes

Administrative Agent for Region 12

San Antonio River Authority

100 E Guenther St., San Antonio, TX 78204 

Anita Machiavello

Executive Administrator

Texas Water Development Board

P.O. Box 13231 Austin, TX 78711-3231

For additional information, please contact Kendall Hayes, San Antonio River Authority, c/o Region L; 100 E Guenther St., San Antonio, Texas 78204, (210) 302-3641, and khayes@sariverauthority.org, or Anita Machiavello, Texas Water Development Board, P.O. Box 13231, Austin, Texas 78711, (512) 463-5158.